And Now We Bring You Jay Glazer & Sean Payton Wearing Ridiculous Outfits

The Deuce happened upon these Jay Glazer tweet pics and just had to post for all to comment on them.  Look at those friggin outfits.  Wow.  Glazer and Payton were in the Orpheus Parade this year and these were their outfits for that gigantic spectacle and man they are loving it huh?  What is up with Sean Payton doing the metal devil horns sign, not very saintly.  Also, I’m not exactly sure why Glazer is there but I am sure the reason why he is holding the Super Bowl trophy is because Payton is enjoying a tasty po’ boy and needed some latcher-on to hold the trophy for the Super Bowl Champion.  The dialogue for this scenario in my head went something like this:

“Boy!  I say boy!  Hold this here trophy while I eat this sammich right here!  Yes that’s right, now….oh snap, camera,” coughs and emits a high pitched Iron Maiden-esque voice “METAL!!!!!”

Here’s some more Payton and Glazer

Glazer’s caption to this photo sheds a bit more light on who the heck these other guys are in the picture:

Riding in the orpheus parade today w sean payton, mickey loomis, pat green, bobby hebert. What an unbelievable party!

Again, sweet friggin outfits but seriously…why the heck is Jay Glazer there?  He’s no great New Orleans musician.  He didn’t win anything this year.  He isnt some great athlete from New Orleans’ past.   He is just a reporter…kinda/sorta.  And more devil horns or is he signing “love” all ‘gangsta’ style or somethin.  Too many questions, just enjoy the pictures.