New Sport: Poker, Pool and Pain?

What do you get when you pit two competitors against each other in a game of pool, then take those same two people and have them play poker, then have those two kick each other’s asses in a mixed martial arts fight? Apparently it might be a reality tv show. Well, at least the creator/contestent Blair Thein thinks it will be.

“The Interest in the uniqueness and excitement that surrounds this project, along with recent developments lead me to believe that 2009 is the year that “Pool, Poker and Pain” will Shine!”

Well…I guess putting them all together is unique. I guess? I mean, having a reality show about Ice Dancing, Football and Competitive Eating is pretty unique as well. I dunno, I am either missing the joke or I am the only one getting it, I’m not sure. I saw the video below and thought it was a pretty funny mockumentary, sort of like Spinal Tap or A Mighty Wind or something. Watch the video and see for yourself.

From Inside Pool Magazine and Pool, Poker Pain

This Is A Bad Idea

Never once have I been playing beer pong and thought “Gee, this is fun, but it would be WAY better in a pool”! Well if you actually have had this thought your wishes have come true. The Portopong company has created an inflatable beer pong table for use in pools…or wherever you need a portable beer pong table.

Check out these guys playing it in a pool. Don’t you want to be like them? They actually look pretty buoyant, their guts being swelled due to what can be assumed to be way too many games of beer pong. I dunno if I am happy they are in shallow water or if I wish they would drown. I’ll go with the latter.

Link here to Portopong

Snooker Is Gangsta

Photo by Keith Taylor

Snooker is not known to be the most violent of the billiards games, but here it proves that it can be just as rough as the $50 a ball game down at the pool hall on MLK Blvd. You know that pool hall, with the warped and stained tables from all the booze spilled on them, the smell of stale beer and cigarettes in the air, some old guy sitting in the corner, silent, but watching every move made and cackling like a hyena with a pack a day habit whenever you scratch a ball…yea, that’s real pool. However, snooker is attempting to rival real billiards by having fights break out in charity exhibition matches! Thats hard-core man.

This snooker match broke into a fight due to a disputed call made by the referee. Alex “Hurricane” Higgins did not like a ball touching call made and landed a punch in the stomach of the man in the tux above, the ref, Terry Riley. Riley took exception to this, grabbed Higgins and pushed him backwards along the table until some of the crowd and his opponent stepped in.

From the story:

The event’s promoter, Gary Astley, said Higgins later told him the referee had “over-reacted” on Monday night.

But Mr Riley, a class one international referee with 25 years’ experience, said: “It was a punch and officials are not there to be punched.”

I never thought I’d live to see the day where a snooker referee could be called “gangsta” but its time has come…and I’ve never felt so alive before.

Full Story from Daily Mail here