This Is The Most Powerful Weapon of All

This is Curt Schilling’s bloody sock from Game 2 of the 2004 World Series and it is the most powerful weapon in the universe…in Curt Schilling’s video game world he is creating. We’ve all known for awhile that Schilling has been busy working with his company 38 studios (formerly Green Monster Games) on a new MMORPG that was supposed to be like the Everquest world that he loves so much and now it has a name, Copernicus, and the sock is apparently the biggest baddest weapon you can get in the game.

Not much else is known about this game, other than Todd McFarlane of Spawn and McFarlane Toys fame is the art director and sci-fi writer R. A. Salvatore is the creative director and it’s due to be released sometime in 2010. Here’s a video that goes into a bit more of Schilling’s want to achieve “World Domination Through Gaming“.

I dunno, sure it’s neat that an ex athlete has a unique, albeit nerdy, career goal after sports…but would it not have been a lot cooler if the guy made a game that was about sports? Like any dork playing his fantasy game will have any idea what this sock is all about in the first place.

From Game Pro

Worst Super Bowl Tie-In Ever

Even geeks have to watch the Super Bowl so what better to get the geeks of the world excited about the big game than with a physics contest! Yea, a site called Physics Central is hosting a contest for the geeks of the world to make a video that demonstrates some aspect of physics in football. The prize, you see below. Doesn’t look all that special? Well it’s special to the physics nerds. Its a nanoscale trophy. Get excited people!

A nanoscale trophy will be created in silicon and metal, which will be visible only under super high magnification electron or scanning microscopes. At such minuscule dimensions, the width of the features will be about a thousand times thinner than a strand of human hair!

Oh, and you can bag $1000 bucks too so there is something in this story for the non-geeks of the interwebs (wait, are there any?) . So get your geek on and make a grab for that cash and a really fucking tiny trophy that you will never, ever see.

I might send in a video demonstrating the physics of the impact of an Osi Umenyiora sack on Tom Brady’s receding hair follicles.

From Physics Central

The World Gets a Bit Lazier

If you want to get somewhere without expending any of your own energy, your options are kinda limited without access to a car. You could look like a dork and use an electric scooter, or use one of those stupid lookin Segways and look like a rich dork.

Now, there is a new way to look like an asshole while moving around town, the Ishoes, motorized shoes. Watch this guy tear ass in his new shoes. I dunno if this makes a person look more lazy than any of the aforementioned transportation devices, not to mention how impractical these look. I wanna see what extreme shit someone can do with this, it might just be “going into traffic”. Enjoy…

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