Emmitt Smith’s new gigs

So, first Emmitt Smith did that “Just for Men” commercial highlighting (pun intended) his talents seen on “Dancing With the Stars.” I’m sure most of you have seen the commercial, hair dying, hospital gown, terrible acting and all but, just in case, here it is…

Now, the Chilhowee Dance and Permorming Arts Center is using Emmitt Smith to promote and encourage men to take and purchase dance lessons by pointing out that “Real Men Do Dance.” They point this out by going after their real target audience. The wives, brides to be, and daughters. Smart. Basically, they are giving women a talking point when selling dance lessons to the “husbands, grooms and fathers of the bride” in their lives by pointing out that these men will be “anxious to dance” because they saw Emmitt Smith having “so much fun” on Dancing With The Stars. See the blog and link to the Center here. http://http//www.merchantcircle.com/blogs/Chilhowee.Dance.And.Performing.Arts.Center.423-479-2123/2008/10/REAL-Men-Do-Dance-Just-ask-Warren-Sapp-Jerry-Rice-and-Emmitt-Smith-/131582

Let’s get something straight. I am sure most men would agree with me that the only way they can be encouraged to take dance lessons has nothing to do with pointing out Emmitt Smith had fun on a television show where sports stars dance alongside Tom Delay wearing animal prints and tight shiny pants. Especially since most men don’t dance like Hall of Fame running backs. Emmitt Smith: running back, dancer, beard dyer, and savior to brides who don’t want to look like idiots during their first dance? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Kevin Youkilis Needs To Get Over Himself

There’s nothing sports fans love more than hypocrites. It’s also interesting to see that the Red Sawx have reached a point where they’ve stopped being “idiots” and become uptight, self-righteous douchebags like a certain team in the South Bronx. Now there’s another reason to hate the Red Sox besides their fans.

Youk has a problem with the Tampa Bay Rays and their dancers. He should get together with Goose Gossage so they can bitch about how smiling and high fives are a sign that players don’t have respect anymore.

“It’s unprofessional in a lot of ways,” Youkilis said before a Red Sox workout yesterday at Tropicana Field. “People dancing on top of the dugout in between innings is OK, but during the game . . . It’s a different atmosphere from New York and Boston.”

Don’t forget about the refreshing freedom from spectator douchebaggery that one finds in New York and Boston. It is different and that’s not such a bad thing. As much as one hated the Sox, they were a refreshing alternative from the “stick up the ass” attitude of the Yankees. Guess that’s over. I suppose they’ll come back to the dancers if they drop the series.

Keep in mind that these comments are coming from the team that once reveled in being seen as “idiots” and not giving a damn. It’s nice to see that Youk finally cares about professionalism. Too bad he never did when a certain unnamed player on his team constantly showed signs of unprofessionalism and apathy. Maybe he should be more concerned about fans blowing their load in the stands over Coco Crisp. Droppin’ loads!! Was it as good for Coco as it was for this assclown?

You Must Have The Wrong Address

This is definitely not Beat Street. That’s about 3000 miles from here. You’re in England where crap form extends off the pitch and into the kitchens and clubs.

First, we have terrible video of a plowed Wayne Rooney dancing to Michael Jackson.

Turbo vs. Ozone this ain’t. It’s so hard to decide which is worse. It’s almost as hard as trying to decide who’s better: Don Johnson or Philip Michael Thomas. It’s awesome vs. phenomenal. Everyone’s a winner. Winner winner chicken dinner indeed.