Antonio Pitalua Makes Jose Reyes Go Boom Biddy Bye Bye

It’s hard to argue with the contention that Antonio Pitalua’s devastating knockout of Jose Reyes (Sorry, not the Met) is probably the best of the year.

Best Boxing Knockout of the Year – Watch more Funny Videos

I jumped out of my chair and yelled “Oh my god!” when Pitalua connected with what used to be Reyes’ jaw. As Smokey would say, Reyes got knocked the fuck out. If there’s a better knockout making the rounds, we’d like to see it.

Smith Barney? A Bunch Of Bitches

Has it really come to this? Are we about to see the Hieroglyphics hedge fund? Diplomats debt obligations? The economy has gotten so bad that people can’t rely on Wall Street to level with them. People are turning to alternative sources of information in a panic. Some people like Sarah Palin trust their witch doctors. Others turn to rappers.

There was some rapper summit in Atlanta where people marinated and waxed poetic on the subject of real estate. It’s not clear why this is news. Cypress Hill has been talking about the real estate since the 90s. Attendees got to hear Russell Simmons, Ludacris and Young Jeezy (?) discuss the importance of home ownership and keeping your ends right.

If Big Daddy Kane is telling me “romance without finance is a damn nuisance”, I’ll listen. However it’ll be a cold day in hell before I recognize Missoura or I ask a rapper how to “diversify my bonds”. If you doubt me, check Aaliyah Mitchell.

One of those who attended, Aaliyah Mitchell, 24, said, “I’m certainly going to benefit from this.”

Mitchell, a former student at Clark Atlanta who now attends a tech school, added, “With stars like Russell Simmons and Ludacris speaking to us, who don’t understand about purchasing a home, I think we’ll have more understanding now.”

I can’t wait to see what Lil Wayne, Master P and MC Hammer have to say on the matter. “You see what you need to be comprehendin’ is that the next big thang is grillz and platinum tanks, nucka.” Yes, Percy. Yes indeed. Luda may talk about real estate at forums but he’s keeping his real goldmine under wraps. Different hoes in different area codes. Now that’s diversification.

If I have to go to rappers for financial advice, there’s only one place I’m going: