Super Bowl Means EAT MORE MEAT!

With the Super Bowl on Sunday you are sure to be a part of some big fancy party with all sorts of appetizers and wings and assorted meats of many kinds to go with the tasty frothy beverages of your choice. Well, the Deuce loves itself some meat, so we’re here to help you out with some fine meat dishes that you might want to cook for your Super Bowl party.

1) The Meat House:
Yea, look at this thing in all its glory. Get the instructions on how to do it here, along with a bunch of tasty pictures of the construction. Know that it contains 20 sausages, 12 strips of bacon and 1 package of sausage meat. Mmmmm delicious. Do not forget to eat several packages of Tums afterwards or your stomach might very well explode

2) The Bacon Burger
Yea, that is a deep fried burger made up entirely of ground bacon. Serve with deep fried jalapenos and you are on your way, kid. Get instructions on making the burger here, and remember you’ll need 1 pound of bacon stuffed with cheese and topped with more cheese to make this delicious meal. Mmmmm, a Mike Wilbon like heart attack awaits you soon after…oh, too soon?

3) Ultimate Jerky Sampler
This is a beauty, every smart man loves some excellent jerky, well now is your chance to eat some exotic jerky! In this set you get 4 oz Buffalo Jerky, 4 oz Venison Jerky, 4 oz Ostrich jerky, Elk Sticks, Buffalo Sticks and Alligator sticks. Order it up here, might not make it for the Super Bowl on Sunday, but rejoice in knowing that soon you will get all sorts of fancy jerky for the NCAA tournament. Oh wait, jerky lasts forever, save it for the super bowl next year! And send us some free samples if you’re reading this guys!

4) Burger In A Can
Look at the canned burger in all of it’s glory. Order it here, watch it being made and eaten here, vomit in a trash can in your own home. If you’re tailgating though, this is a perfect “in case of emergency pop the top” burger. All you need is a fire and a pot of boiling water and you will have yourself a burger! Surprisingly, its not too bad…not too good either.

5) Bacon Vodka
What better to wash down your meaty meals than a few shots of Bacon infused vodka? Get the recipe here and drink it down to your own destruction at your Super Bowl party on Sunday. I cannot think of a better way to drink myself into oblivion than drinking and tasting bacon the entire time. There should be more baconated beverages out there. I want bacon beer dammit!

6. Bacon Cheeseburger Cake
Finally, a non meat product, but it sure looks like meat. Its just one gigantic cake. The recipe is here, and you can definitely have this ready for the super bowl. Nothin says lovin’ like a gigantic bacon cheeseburger cake in the oven. Hells yea.

Together At Last

Peanuts and gum. Ashford and Simpson. Paris Hilton and the herp. Chris Webber and souvlaki?

Webber will be getting familiar with all end products of the meatapotamus if Olympiacos of Greece has its way. The Greek team is offering Webber a two-year deal worth between $10-$12M. The deal would make him the highest paid player in Europe.

The Detroit Free Press implies that Webber is considering the deal. Soon he will know all the street meats and visit the street meat cart on high on Mt. Olympus. He’ll also be able to hit up Club Parthenon. Shaq loved that spot.