The Spurs Can’t Get No Respect

Hey Fabricio, don’t tell ’em you’re Argentinian? Oh you are? Get out of my hotel.

The San Antonio Spurs are going to the Western Conference Finals for the umpteenth time and they still can’t get any love. They were forced to sleep on their plane after winning their Game 7 against the Hornets due to mechanical problems and a lack of hotel rooms in New Orleans. It’s a shame to think the hotel industry showed more defense and outside perimeter hustle than the Hornets.

It’s a good thing the Spurs found a place to sleep. If this happens late in their series against the Lakers or in the Finals should they get there, they may end up ass out. Their airline, Champion Air is going out of business. They better hope they don’t get Detroit in the finals. You ever try sleeping outside in Detroit? I’ve seen Robocop. I want no part of that.

Then again Boston wouldn’t be much better. A bunch of guys named Sully would probably mess with them every night in the park. “Hey why is theah ah so many blackies in the pahk?”

Das Ist Nicht Gut For The Mavs

Guess who TNT thinks is soft?

If you guessed last year’s MVP, you’d be correct.

During the TNT telecast of the Toronto-Orlando game Sunday, Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley and Kenny Smith criticized Nowitzki for not responding when West tapped him on the face a couple of times during a confrontation late in the game. West was upset because Nowitzki caught West on the lip with an elbow, although it did appear to be accidental.

“You can’t let a man put his hand on your face in the playoffs,” Johnson said.

“I love Dirk Nowitzki,” Barkley said. “Terrific, great player. But they’re trying to say to you, ‘We think you’re soft.’ That’s what it means…. You’ve got to slap his hand down, and then you got to say, ‘Hey, let that guy drive to the basket’ and then you’ve got to knock the hell out of him.”

Smith said: “You have to punish them on the next couple of plays. The ball has to come to Dirk now, and he has to say, ‘You know what? I’m going to really punish you for the disrespect of putting your hands in my face.'”

Dirk knows nothing about becoming the ubermensch. Maybe he’s afraid of transcending. Nietzsche would be disappointed.

It is Done: Cavs & Spurs Meet In Finals

And the whole world collectively yawns. Seriously, while Lebron James has been annointed everything from King to the dreaded “Next MJ” tag he really isn’t all that an engaging person or player for me to watch. Granted, being a Wizards fan enables me to watch Gilbert Arenas circus sideshow act 82 games a year, but Lebron seems to me kinda like watching a slightly less annoying A-rod.

Both were teenager phenoms in their sports, both spout out more cliches per minute than a WWE wrestler, both have been touted and talented for so long the smugness that emanates from them is rivaled only by George Clooney, and both attempt market themselves as all-round nice guys even though when you hear them talk all you can think is “Geez, this guy sounds like a dick”. Thats not even mentioning the fact that Lebron is only using this basketball game to make money to fuel a multi-million dollar multi-media corporate empire. I just cannot get behind a guy who wants to be the Master P of basketball.

He can play basketball for sure, but he is by no means as exciting to watch as Kobe or Dwayne Wade or Gilbert currently, or someone like Shaq or KG or Magic or MJ were in their primes. He is a boring lone “superstar” on a team of spare parts and he is going up against the most complete team in the NBA, the Spurs.

They have Duncan, who while amazing, is boring as sin and cant make a highlight worthy play to save his life. Then again, he doesnt like to or have to show off because his team is so great. As a player and a person, he’s the antithesis of Lebron in that he wants no spotlight, no clothing line, no record label, he just wants to play basketball and fit in on a winning team. He is the anti-Lebron…and yet i’m bored by him as well because he has zero emotion whatsoever. I like to look at athletes and see that they care about what is going on out there, not the vacant stare that Timmy develops over the course of a game.

So the Spurs & Cavs kick off on Thursday and I dont care…a lot of people dont care. You have San Antonio vs. Cleveland…two cities that couldn’t be more different and yet both couldnt suck more. Lebron vs Tim Duncan…two superstars that couldn’t be more different and yet both couldn’t bore me more.

I think the only thing that will keep me interested is watching for Bowen and Ginobili’s dirty plays throughout the game. There is no way Larry Hughes is finishing this series on the court with those two assholes around.

Jazz Hates Black People

It’s always tragic when a child turns his or her back on a parent or when the student becomes the teacher and stabs the teacher in the back. First jazz moves from New Orleans to Utah and now its fans are being accused of racially insulting black players.

Stephen Jackson and Jason Richardson alleged that Jazz fans yelled racial insults at them during their Game 2 loss to the Jazz in Salt Lake City. KUTV in Salt Lake City reported on the story and got reactions from Jazz fans. Most vehemently denied that it could have happened with the overwhelming opinion being that Jazz fans aren’t racist and the Warriors were just mad that they were down in the series.

“I like Bryant Gumbel and that nice negro boy from Whose Line Is It Anyway.”

Now we don’t know what happened because we weren’t there but how can one state that nothing happened if one wasn’t witness to said incident? Then again we shouldn’t be surprised to hear Jazz fans claim they aren’t racist. They’ve enough bad publicity as it is. First the Mormons use Mitt Romney to pick a fight with Rev. Al Sharpton and then white golf balls attack Real Salt Lake ex-wunderkid Freddy Adu on the gold course.

Where are you when we need you, Rodney King?