Village Idiot Stephen Ireland Strikes Again

You might remember Manchester City and former Ireland international Stephen Ireland from such episodes as lying about both of his grandmothers dying to get out of international duty. You can now add douchebag to liar and quitter.

Ireland has a thing for the pink but it’s not what you think. He loves him some pink trim on his … cars. Check out his old ride which he just traded in for something a little better.

If you’re one of those people who has to know what your favorite or most hated footballer drives, you can find out here. It’s surprising that Cashley Cole doesn’t drive a Gremlin because it reminds him of the movie which was super cool.

Steelers Fans Cannot Control Their Fire

Apparently Steelers fans need to be taught a little bit about fire safety.  During the first half of the soon to be 23-6 rout of the Redskins, a Steelers’ fan’s tailgaiting grill that was left burning ended up setting several cars in the lot ON FIRE (Not the actual car burning).  I’ve heard about setting cars ablaze after your team has won, but lighting them up before victory is certain is a new thing to me.  Of course it was accidental…probably.  Although judging from the amount of black and gold and terrible towls in the stands, in all likelihood the owners of those cars on fire were probably fellow Steeler fans so really, if it wasn’t an accident they were only hurting their own kin.  Man that was a beatdown. 

Knight Rider Coming To A Car Near You

In the “Why Didn’t Someone Think Of This Already?” file, someone has made a GPS unit that sounds like KITT, Michael Knight’s car in Knight Rider. In the immortal words of the Guinness beer commercials, “BRILLIANT!” So yea, the Knight Rider GPS by Mio will give you voice directions by the famous William Daniels, the voice of KITT and this should have been around a long long time ago. Who knows how good the actual GPS unit will be, the coolness factor surely will make up for its shortcomings, if any. It even will say “Hello, Michael. Where do you want to go today?” when you fire that sucker up. Pure, genius.

Sure its not sports, but hey, its not every day you get good Knight Rider news. You have to run with it, ya know?

Via Crunch Gear