Curling Infographic Explains All

If you were hesitant to watch one of the most interesting sports of all the Winter Games because you didn’t understand what the heck was going on…well then you are dumb and you need a giant picture like the one above to help you out.  Thank the maker for we are here to assist you.  Click on the picture and enjoy knowing what all the hipsters in the great white north have known about for ages.  Plus, its really just a fine piece of graphic design.  Very well done.  Impressive even.e

Also, if you haven’t checked out you really should.  I saw it on Levy & Zerkle’s tweets the other day and I must say, the game is friggin addictive.  As a matter of fact, they found it so addicting, they’ve created an online curling tournament.  Check out the twitter hashtag #blogswithstones for information on signing up or just to see what happens.

Finally, just because this post needed something sexy to keep it going,  curling women can actually be pretty hot.  If somehow haven’t seen them, click here, but be careful, some are NSFW.

Graphic From iGraphics Explained

Olympic Weightlifter Lifts Weight, Drops Baby

 Elizabeth Poblete is a 22 year old Olympic weighlighter from Chilie. She is one strong woman, she can definitely lift more weight than you can that’s for sure as you can see above.  Unfortunately for Poblete, she might not be the smartest person because she apparently forgot she had sex 9 months ago and she apparently forgot to use any birth control and she apparently forgot she was supposed to have a period.  She apparently didn’t notice any of the signs of a pregnancy at all because while she was lifting weights the other day in Brazil, training for the Olympics…she gave birth to a baby boy.  Whoops!  Her bad!

Talk about a tailor made case for that TLC show “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant”. Yes, this is an actual show.  This is apparently such a common occurrence that there are enough women out there to fill an entire season’s worth of episodes.   Well now they have a good start to season 2.  Just for fun…watch these clueless women tell their stories of how they had no idea a being was growing inside them.

From Guardian UK

Michael Phelps Should Just Stop Driving

Olympic God and personal disaster Michael Phelps has crashed his car into another car on Thursday night. I’m beginning to wonder why, with all his money, he just doesnt get a driver in a car with heavily tinted windows (to hide the bong use of course). This is the second traffic incident Phelps has had since his Olympic medal domination, the first resulted in a DWI.

Apparently Phelps hit some chick’s Honda with his Escalade and you know who wins that battle. Phelps and passengers were unscathed, the Honda driver was taken to the hospital and released. Police are investigating, alcohol is believed to not be a factor…but its also rumored Phelps blew through a red light and hit the car.

Seriously, this guy needs to just go back to the lake he came from. Its not our fault this merman missed adolescence because he spent all of his days and nights in water! Leave us alone! Go back from whence you came! Stop causing our children to cry!


All Olympics Channel Coming To Bore You To Death

That is about the first thing I thought of when I read that the U.S.O.C. is going to try to start up an Olympics Channel with Comcast. How on earth can you base a channel off of an event that occurs every 4 years (well 2 years if you count the Winter Games) and you can’t even broadcast the actual Olympic events because all the rights for it were bought by NBC.

ESPN Classics doesn’t work and it re-broadcasts some of the best games ever from all sports, how on earth is this channel going to survive? Is it going to be an all shot put and discuss channel? I can only imagine the ultra-inspirational kind of Olympics Network original movies they’ll make. There’s gotta be hours upon hours of “Where are they now” and “Biography” type materials they’re making…that will stop being interesting after they do Mary Lou Retton.

I’m really tryin to wrap my head around this, but the U.S.O.C. is not scared about the viability of the channel:

Peter Ueberroth, the former U.S.O.C. chairman, said on the call, “This network is dedicated to taking our 40 to 45 sports to the American public, to show what the youngsters are doing, what Olympians are doing as they qualify, and showing there are options besides the most popular sports.”

Bellingham added, “We have we have to speak to the values and ideals of the movement as the athletes follow their dreams.”

See, right there…what Ueberroth said…they aren’t going to be broadcasting the most popular sports. How does one make money not doing what is popular? Riddle me this Ueberroth!?! My simple simian mind must not be able to understand this. Brilliant idea guys. Brilliant.

From New York Times

Even Mildly Attractive Flexible Midgets Have Stalkers

Shawn Johnson’s got a stalker and he was arrested near the set of Dancing With the Stars, where Johnson is dancing out the last 3 minutes of her 15 minutes of fame. Robert “Pedobear” O’Ryan, the alleged stalker, jumped a fence at the studios and was arrested while trying to meet the object of his obsession. Police found in his car a shotgun and Colt .45 and a bunch of Johnson memorabilia, which, presumably, did not include any of her underwear.

Shawn Johnson is safe, but probably a bit freaked out, and her mom Terri says:

“This incident has caused us severe emotional distress, we have been on the move ever since and have not been able to rest at all for fear that this disturbed person will attempt to make good on his statements and attempt to harm my daughter and possibly us as well,”

I’d say she’s been on the move, lots of moves on that Dancing With the Stars show. Although, since I never watch it so I have no clue how she’s doing on it. She could move like a Wookie in a tar pit for all I know.

Bail for O’Ryan was set at $35,000 and a restraining order is in place for him to stay 100 yards away from Johnson and have zero contact with her. Yea…that’l do it. Just tell him not to stalk her. I’m sure no one has done that before. She’ll be totally safe now. Just remember kids, nothing can stop the Pedobear.


The Marvin Gaye Anthem

You might’ve seen that Nike commercial during the Olympics coverage that features Marvin Gaye singing the National Anthem. Its a pretty neat commercial if you have seen it, and if not go ahead and check the link. If you wanted to see the full version of Marvin singing the Star Spangled Banner though without the basketball players doing their thing though here it is in all its soul-icious glory. That Marvin is one baaaaaaaaad man.

Olympic Muffin Scare!

Ok, not that type of muffin. Australian Olympic team members were attending a function in Brisbane when they were shocked to find that they were being fed spiked chocolate muffins! Two people at the function bit into the terrorist muffins and found paperclips inside of them. The whole batch of muffins was then confiscated by authorities and it was found that 13 other muffins also had the deadly paperclips inside. Luckily, not a single Olympic team member was injured and the terrorist muffin plot was foiled.

“I’m absolutely devastated that this has happened. But we’re doing everything we can to work with the authorities,” [Merlo Kitchen Catering Company director Dean] Merlo said.

Queensland Health and Queensland Police are investigating the incident. It is not sure if paperclips were baked into the muffins, or whether they were inserted at a later date.

Olympians at the function included gymnast Ayiesha Johnston and swimmer Christian Sprenger.

Thank God this terrorist plot was foiled. The dental and intestinal damage that these tainted muffins would have caused could have robbed the Aussies of all their Olympic glory! Yes…this is Olympic news these days.
