Football…by Chanel

This is actually for sale at Chanel stores. What douche is going to purchase this ball for $195 and actually use it on the field? Can you imagine how quickly everyone will gang up to take out a knee? Better yet, what even bigger douche is going to purchase this ball for $195, not to use it at all, actually believing it is going to become a collectors item? I mean, an autographed football by Pac-Man Jones is a collectors item, who knows how long that assclown is going to be playing.

The only guy I can see buying this is P. Diddy or Puff or whatever he’s called right now, maybe Birdman, or Jay-Z. Pretty much the only demographic that is purchasing this ball is “rap mogul” who has bought every obscenely expensive yet utterly worthless materialistic, ego boosting piece of shit out there…until now.

This is just an atrocity that never should have existed.

Link – From the New York Times through