How Laser Tag Could Have Taken Over The World

Watch this commercial. Just watch it. You will see the perfect blueprint for the world domination of Laser Tag as a sport.

I mean, how much ass kicking can one sport have? Its got aspects from roller derby, skateboarding, motocross, paintball, gladiator battles, running man and more all crammed into one. No idea how someone hasn’t taken this commercial and turned it into something that you know you would watch and even pay money for.

The New Old Hotness? Pushball!

Now that roller derby and kickball and bocce ball (yes bocce ball, that might have to be another post) have turned into this generation’s new urban hipster type games, some more hip than others…*cough**ahem*kickball sucks*cough*, is it time to revive some more old hotness? I say yes, and thus, let us usher in the new age of Pushball! What is it? Check it out below.

Sure you say it looks fun. Bunch of guys on a field, big giant ball, how can that not be fun? So how do you play? Well its pretty easy, at least so says this Wikipeida article on it:

Pushball is a game played by two sides on a field usually 140 yd (128 m) long and 50 yd (45.7 m) wide, with a ball 6 ft (1.83 m) in diameter and 50 lb (22.7 kg) in weight. The sides usually number eleven each, there being five forwards, two left-wings, two right-wings and two goal-keepers. The goals consist of two upright posts 18 ft (5.5 m) high and 20 ft (6.1 m) apart with a crossbar 7 ft. from the ground. The game lasts for two periods with an intermission. Pushing the ball under the bar counts 5 points; lifting or throwing it over the bar counts 8. A touchdown behind goal for safety counts 2 to the attacking side.

How bout that? I want me some of this action, lord knows this would be infinently cooler than kickball and bocce ball combined, but I think I might need some live action video just to get an idea what Modern Pushball is like. Oh…well look what we have here:

Yea this sport rocks. Someone needs to set up a Pushball League here in DC for me and in NYC for Mustafa. My pushball skillz need to be showcased!

Image from Shorpy