The Oklahoma City Thundercats Are Loose

Fans of the team formerly known as the Seattle Supersonics must be going through the different stages of grief. All other NBA fans are going to wet themselves if the rumors about the Oklahoma City team are true.

Monica Guzman of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports (via Yahoo Answers) that the Oklahoma City team might be named the Thundercats. Oh sweet baby Jesus, let this be true. Screw my previous loyalties. There’s no way I can’t back a team named after the Thundercats. Of course, the mascot will end up being a giant Snarf. If they’re smart and mean business, the mascot will be PummRa. He should have run the show instead of MummRa. They would have conquered Third Earth in a week. You can’t have a boss who spends most of his time in a mummy case and occasionally pops out to order people around while getting his ass handed to him Monday through Friday.

The Thundercats sent Chimp and I off on a tangent about 80s cartoons. We both spent way too much time watching cartoons during the 80s. This is also the dead period before training camp and everyone’s fighting for blogging scraps so we decided to take a trip down memory lane and look back at some of the best and worst the decade had to offer in cartoon theme songs.

1. Thundercats

You have to give Atari credit for this cheap marketing ploy. Average cartoon. Solid theme song. Hell yeah I wanted to play me some Pole Position after this. I made a point of letting my parents know by singing this catchy song in their face. They finally broke and bought us a Sega Master System years later. Who else had that? That’s right. No one.