Yes, There Is A World Champion of Burping

Like the video says, everyone has a talent, this guy’s just talent just happens to be simultaneously incredibly awesome and amazingly vulgar. Paul Hunn is the world champion of burping. This man can burp so loud, its equal to standing next to a running chainsaw or a guitar amp with no ear protection. At 110 decibels, his burp is loud enough to actually cause hearing damage. Watch and be horrified…and jealous. Who didn’t want to be able to burp like this when you were 7, c’mon!

David Hasselhoff Needs Another Drink

Check out this video from last night’s broadcast of “America’s Got Talent”. Here’s the Hoff making an utter ass out of himself (yet again) by complimenting the contests for being “…as American as the Olympics are”. That’s right, because nothing is more American than the Olympics, just ask the Greeks…assclown.