The Man Is Not Happy

Ozzie Guillen better watch out for secret weapon White She-Devil on the South Side. The “Venezuelan piece of shit that is racist and only starts the Latin players” (as some Chisox fans call him) doesn’t play whitey.

Guillen surprisingly has been taking the criticism in a calm manner.

”I got a bunch of e-mails that said I played the ‘Cuban Missile’ [rookie Alexei Ramirez in the season opener] because he’s Cuban,” Guillen said. ”Wow, did you see the spring training the ‘Cuban Missile’ had? You would play him, too. I don’t make a lineup because of who is Latino and who is not. That’s ignorant. The ‘Cuban Missile’ had bad games because he went against C.C. [Sabathia] and [Fausto] Carmona.

”The one thing people need to understand is it takes me a long time to make the lineup. It’s not easy. But people say some dumb things.”

If anyone would know anything about saying dumb things sometimes, it would be Guillen. However, the guy is great and it’s refreshing to have someone like him in the league. It would be better if more managers spoke their minds. He could be the off-brand Jose Mourinho.

We suppose the term hypocrisy would be lost on White Sox fans who spew racism while accusing Guillen of the same. Boston fans better step their racialist game up.