Good Looking QB’s Make More Money

No wonder Jeff George hasn’t been able to get back into the league, he’s just too ugly for football. A study by economists David Berri, Rob Simmons and Jennifer Van Gilder theorizes that quarterbacks that have the facial symmetry that is statistically considered to be “good looking” actually make more money in the NFL than uglier quarterbacks. They looked at Qb’s from 1995-2006 and how they looked, their salaries, and a whole bunch of other data to come to this conclusion.

“We collected data on how good-looking they are. This is something that you can empirically measure,” Berri said by phone. “The NFL takes pictures of every quarterback and you can measure the symmetry of a person’s face. That is a measure of attractiveness.

“We got the pictures, took the measurements and we simply plugged that into our model that we already had constructed. Turned out that they symmetry of a person’s face was statistically related to their salary. The results were strongest for the quarterbacks who don’t get on the field as much. So the quarterbacks at the lower end of the income distribution, they’re the ones who see the biggest payoff.”

Good-looking quarterbacks such as the Titans’ Kerry Collins make more than $300,000 per year than the factors would forecast. Jeff George, who didn’t score as high on the beauty scale, was paid less.

I think the crazy thing is that they consider Kerry Collins to be a good looking man. Couldn’t they use a better example like male model Tom Brady or something? That is the picture of male attractiveness right there? Yeesh.

The good thing about this study is that for guys like JP Losman or David Carr…now we might know why they are still hanging around this league despite the fact that they can’t play a lick of quarterback in the NFL. All show and no substance, Jeff George must have read this and put his fist through a wall.

From Kansas

Nobody F**ks With The Ally

You might fool the fucks on the ATP, but you don’t fool Ally. This bush league psyche-out stuff. Laughable, man! Hah hah! I would have fucked you in the ass Saturday. I fuck you in the ass next Thursday instead. Wooo! You got a date Thursday, baby!

You have to give it up for Ally Kudryavtseva. She does not mess around when it comes to people she doesn’t like. She worked Maria Sharapova like a rented mule yesterday beating her 6-2 6-4 and knocking her out of Wimbledon. After she beat Sharapova on the court, she finished her off by calling her out.

“It’s very pleasant to beat Maria. Why? Well, I don’t like her outfit. Can I put it this way? It’s a little too much of everything. It was one of the motivations to beat her.”

“If I’m not afraid to go play her and she’s world No.3, I’m not afraid she’s going to catch me in the dressing room and say, ‘You know what, you said you don’t like my outfit. You were wrong’. I will say, ‘Sorry. That’s just my opinion’.”

It’s a well known fact that Sharapova is not well liked (meaning not at all) by her Russian teammates. The girls are going to have a great time rooming together in Beijing. There’s a chance she could become shell-shocked like David Carr if she keeps getting beat down Brand Nubian style. She’s probably better off hiding out in Bradenton until everyone’s gone.