The Return of the Dog Slayer

Today, the City of Brotherly Love introduced a brother who recently has been loved dearly in the joint.

And of course with the announcement that the Eagles signed Michael Vick, the Worldwide Leader went to Plaid implementing wall-to-wall coverage featuring a nationwide polling orgy and Woody Paige arguing with a life size mannequin of Michael Vick. The Leader’s pundits took to the airways frothily debating the rationale of signing Mr. Vick and thereby potentially alienating their entire fanbase. (Of course, this is the same team that once had a jail in its own stadium and whose head coach has two sons, who have done more drugs than most of Philly combined. Not to mention, this is the same fanbase who cheered a potentially paralyzed Michael Irvin and pelted Santa Claus with snowballs.) So the claims of potential alienation seem to be a stretch at best.
Missing from all of this coverage, however, is how I wish the Vick signing would play out…
At the first home game of the season, out of a smokey tunnel run the Eagles led by their quarterback, Donovan McNabb.
WHEN SUDDENLY, the entire stadium goes dark and out of nowhere a pack of dogs rush the field attacking Donovan McNabb and Andy Reid. Then a single spotlight shines back onto the entrance tunnel, and we see Michael Vick and Tony Dungy standing their with arms raised…while Jim Ross exclaims….

(A boy can dream.)

Through Rain, Sleet, Snow Or Cheap Political Ploy, Philly Fans Always Deliver

“America’s #1 Hockey Mom” probably thought her children would act as a shield. Sheeeeit, you betta ask somebody.

That’s cold but that’s how Philly do. Did they really think it would go any other way? I’m sure no one noticed the attempt to drown out the boos by turning up the music. Too bad Flyers owner and McCain supporter Ed Snider couldn’t block out the Obama/Biden signs in the crowd.

Let this episode be a lesson to team owners who insist on shoving their politics down the throat of the fan. You too will fail especially if you live in Philadelphia.

UPDATE: By the time Palin dropped the puck Saturday night, she was used to the boos. She had been getting them since 3:35 PM that afternoon.